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In order to better understand the problem, as well as our users' goals, desires, and existing pain points, we conducted an intensive research process using a variety of methods. This page documents our research process in detail.

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✏️ Narrowing Down Research Topics

We began our research phase by gathering information from scohlarly articles and papers.

Since childhood education is a very broad topic, we conducted a design exercise that involved writing down specific subtopics, then grouping them together under one generic category. This helped us identify the main categories that we wanted to research: cognitive development, risks of online learning, learning styles, and accessibility.

Each team member was assigned one of these four topics to research, and we collectively read and analyzed 40 scholarly journals and papers that attained to our research topic.

The final card-sorting exercise done by our group is as shown below:

Card-sorting Exercise

🔖 Research Findings and Analysis

From these four topics, we've analyzed and put together a cohesive summary of each topic.

After analyzing each issue that lies within our broader scope, we put together a set of questions that we asked to industry professionals, elementary school teachers and parents of students within this age range to get their opinions, suggestions and considerations to keep in mind moving forward. (All citations are located at the bottom of this page)